Welcome to NH AGO
Membership dues for the NH AGO are found by following the links to the the JOIN THE AGO, on the national website. Regular, Special, Dual, and Young Organist membership levels include “The CYPHER” newsletter, full voting privileges and “The American Organist” magazine.
Please follow the links indicated below to renew or join as a new member.
For current NH-AGO members: once your on the National Website, sign in to your account, and then you can follow the membership link to RENEW.
For new members (not currently an AGO member), click here.
CHAPTER FRIEND (non-voting and no TAO magazine)
For Organists, Organ Enthusiasts, and church music aficionados who simply want to follow the local or regional happenings without the national links and voting privileges’; You are more than welcome because NH is home to many historic instruments and the buildings that house them. “Chapter Friends” have “The CYPHER” emailed to them, and receive notices about all the activities of the Chapter and local churches hosting recitals and concerts. “Chapter Friends” can download the 2024-NH AGO RENEWAL FORM and fill it out and mail it along with payment made out to NH-AGO:
NH-AGO / Treasurer
Ms. Laura V. Belanger
167 Currier Rd
Hill NH 03243
If you have any questions, email our membership coordinator; fumcorganist@gmail.com
Come, be part of an amazing group of musicians.